2 min readJan 23, 2022
Vector illustration of a girl with different personalities

Evil or Benign…?

Angel or Demon? Who am I? her inside screams. The voices in her head don’t let her accept her true colors. WHO AM I? the desperation, the agony, the misery, the excruciating pain she lives in. She’s just a girl with so many personalities. A girl as dark as coal as pure as the driven snow. A part of her thinks she’s pathetic. A part of her is ruthless, vicious, and vile. She thinks she’s evil. But a part of her is pure and innocent scared to be an outcast. She’s an angel with a demon inside. She’s a demon with an angel inside. Her darkness is dark enough to blind her, dark enough to fade the goodness of her heart. Her Bright side is bright enough to amaze her demons. Bright enough to wash the darkness. Fighting millions of personalities she finally puts on a mask to live the way they want her to live. Who are they? Nah, they aren’t people! they are her insecurities!

She wants to be a wanderer chasing her ecstasy. She wants to scream because her heart is not at peace. She wants to scream that she wants freedom, but her heart questions in dispair, Is freedom even real? or is it just an illusion? just a creation of your mind that lives in imagination and fantasies? She’s quiet and calm she continues to live because every part of her is silent at this question every part of her is mourning her incarceration. Every part of her craves freedom. The only thing common in her different personalities. The only thing that is far from reality.

Though all she needs is a little balance, a little light to see all sides of her. Because She can’t be a demon. She can’t be an angel.
She is who she is…
And I wish she didn’t have to be so hard on herself…


I want to explore serenity with the help of my art I want to reach the level of serenity where nothing can harm my peace of mind